overcoming the trauma
The toll of trauma
We all face obstacles in our lives. However, some life events can overwhelm a person’s ability to cope. This is trauma. Trauma is an emotional response to a distressing event or series of events. The effects of trauma include depression, nightmares, intrusive vivid thoughts, increased reactivity, and avoidance of triggering situations. Trauma can manifest physically as headaches, nausea, fatigue, heart palpitations, and panic attacks. Trauma has even been linked to heart disease and cancer. It affects relationships with your loved ones and your own sense of self-worth. Although this is your body’s natural response to these events, it can make you feel overwhelmed and isolated. Unresolved trauma takes a toll mentally and physically and impedes you from living your best life.

Understand your Options
If you are experiencing symptoms of trauma, you are not alone. It is estimated that 60% of men and 50% of women have experienced at least one trauma in their lifetime. While medication is often provided for the symptoms of PTSD, it does not address the underlying issues that are provoking your body’s extreme response. At Synapse Chicago, we can give you the tools to disempower your trauma so that you can live a fulfilling life.

Types of trauma
While you may be familiar with the term “PTSD,” trauma is separated into three different types:
Acute trauma is usually the result of a single distressing event, such as a car accident, an assault, or a natural disaster.
Chronic trauma is the result of multiple or prolonged traumatic events such as domestic abuse, bullying, an extended illness, or warfare. These effects can sometimes take years to manifest.
Complex trauma (C PTSD) is the result of exposure to multiple and varied traumatic events, mainly between other people. This often occurs in childhood as the result of sexual abuse or neglect and is referred to as developmental trauma.
The freedom beyond PTSD.
We can help put PTSD and the aftermath of trauma behind you. It doesn’t have to last forever, and you are not alone. The variety of solutions we provide can put you on a path of treatment that is effective for you.
The Science Behind PTSD
Our bodies and brains respond to threats with reactions that help us survive. Unfortunately, trauma or long-term stress can imprint these reactions on us in ways that are harmful and hard to move beyond. Effective treatment for PTSD starts with understanding it at several levels.
The Physiology
Trauma changes your brain on a neurological level. It causes dysregulation in neural pathways and over time makes these pathways stubborn. This causes emotional regulation issues, hyperarousal, anxiety, depression, and sleep disorders, just to name a few. Neurofeedback can help mitigate these symptoms allowing the brain to be more “flexible.” Positive connections are reinforced, while negative ones are minimized or eliminated. Because trauma impacts the brain differently, a brain map is crucial to develop an individualized treatment plan.
The Psychology
Traditional psychotherapy, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, and mindfulness techniques provide the individual a greater sense of control over their thoughts and emotions after trauma. Rather than repress what has happened, it provides a safe place to process the event or events and gives tools for redirecting emotions. Challenging the thought patterns to recognize the lack of control a person has over the trauma can alleviate feelings of guilt and shame. Psychotherapy can also help to address trust issues that can negatively impact relationships at work, school, and in one’s personal life. The goal is for you to overcome your trauma without letting it define you.