drug-free alternatives for relieving ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder can impact many areas of one’s life from friendships, school or work, and even one’s own behavior.

Once ADHD enters the conversation, the suggested course of treatment often becomes medication. Synapse Chicago offers alternative solutions which empower the individual to address their symptoms without sole dependency on medications.

Help with ADHD | Synapse Chicago

Customized ADHD treatment

An ADHD diagnosis can be daunting, and the suggested course of treatment often becomes medication, which can have unsavory side effects such as irritability, sleep loss, and increased blood pressure. Synapse Chicago offers alternative solutions which empower the individual to address their symptoms without the dependency on medications. We take the time to get to know the individual and what makes them unique in order to develop the best treatment plan.

An answer for ADHD 

ADHD can make a person feel restless, impulsive, forgetful, or be easily distracted. Hyperactivity can lead to ignoring risks and result in dangerous behavior. These issues can be disabling at any age and can stand in the way of learning and development for those who are younger.

Relieving symptoms of ADHD calls for a customized approach. We take the time to get to know the individual and what makes them unique to develop the best treatment path.

Get control of your ADHD | Synapse Chicago

Regaining focus

Even in the seeming chaos of ADHD the brain has remarkable abilities to re-pattern. With comprehensive treatments like neurofeedback and behavioral therapies, the ability to focus and function can be restored. You can have confidence in Synapse Chicago providing a personalized and productive course of treatment.

The Science Behind Neurofeedback & ADHD

The options for relieving attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder extend top-to-bottom. With careful, individual attention to the needs of each patient, our experience and perspective combine to offer different treatment combinations that address each individuals’ needs.


A study published in Current Psychiatry Reports touts the efficacy of neurofeedback as a “viable treatment alternative” to relieving ADHD by improving learning deficits and correcting behavior problems. Neurofeedback trains the brain’s neural pathways to reduce inattention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, and strengthens the capacity for concentration. Neurofeedback utilizes the concept of neuroplasticity to reinforce positive neural connections and promote new pathways.


Even among people who respond to medication for ADHD, there is often room for improvement. Cognitive Behavior Therapy can address problematic behavior, while executive functioning training can improve working memory and cognitive flexibility. The practice of mindfulness has also shown great efficacy in increasing attention and maintaining self-regulation.

Synapse Chicago is here for you