gain control over your condition with biofeedback
What’s the difference between biofeedback and neurofeedback?
Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback, is based on a system of auditory and visual rewards and works specifically on the central nervous system (the brain). Biofeedback, on the other hand, works on the peripheral nervous system (so everything else). During biofeedback therapy, electrodes are placed on the body and measurements such as heart rate, respirations, temperature, etc. are displayed on a screen so that you can train yourself to make subtle changes to these normally autonomic processes, such as relaxing certain muscle groups or diaphragmatically breathing. Biofeedback helps you regulate the body’s physiological activities to improve your overall health.
One example of this is Heart Rate Variability, or HRV. HRV is the measurement of the interval rate between heartbeats. Changes in your HRV can be a great indicator of your body’s adaptability and how you react to stress. Too much or too little variation can be related to chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. HRV has also been used to enhance peak performance and reduce stress.

What is biofeedback?
Relying on the mind-body connection, biofeedback is a painless, non-invasive therapy that allows recipients to gain voluntary control over bodily processes such as heart rate, breathing, temperature, sweat gland activity, blood pressure, pain perception, muscle tension, and more. It can be integrated into other therapies such as relaxation training or mindfulness.
How can biofeedback treatment help me?
Biofeedback is suitable for those who wish to improve their medical or mental health condition without the reliance on drugs, or those who are unable to take prescription medications. By learning how to control automatic body functions, you may be able to reduce stress, relieve chronic pain, and enhance your physical or mental performance. It has also shown to be effective in reducing symptoms of ADHD. Biofeedback therapy is safe and does not cause any side effects.
Does biofeedback treatment work?
A large body of research including randomized controlled studies and meta-analyses have demonstrated the effectiveness of biofeedback for treating a variety of health problems. The Food and Drug Administration has approved biofeedback therapy to reduce stress and lower blood pressure naturally. Along with physiological disorders, biofeedback has been shown to improve mental health conditions such as PTSD, anxiety, and depression. Those with autism have also benefitted from biofeedback by improving communication and social skills.
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A drug-free approach with biofeedback